Donate To Barb's Half Marathon

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Journey of a 1,000 Miles Begins With A Single Step

Here it is, the middle of February, and I have just committed to walking a half marathon on May 14. And I've also committed to raising $2,000 to support research to find a cure for blood cancers, such as leukemia and lymphoma. What the heck was I thinking when I signed up for this? Wouldn't it just be easier to stay inside where it's warm and toasty, with a good book or a dull TV show?

I'm doing something - finally - that is motivating me to get off the couch, hit the roads, and grind my walking shoes into oblivion. And I am excited to do so! Right now we are still in the midst of winter here in Hailey. Spring still seems a distant remembrance from last year, and we're beginning to wonder if we'll ever really see green grass again. But the roads are melting enough so that I can get out and do a daily trek without risky a fall.

I am going to use this Blog to document my progress, both physically and financially.  I know I can't do this alone. I need your help. So please Follow Me on this blog and make comments to keep me headed down the right path, whichever trail or hike that may be.
